上海 LOMO 小琉球 天龍特攻隊 歷女
好聽ㄉ歌~Proud OF You昨天一位朋友寄給我ㄉ,讓我一ㄍ晚上氣質增加ㄌ不少.......http://myweb.hinet.net/home7/tod2501/FLASH/sky.swf 英文版Proud OF You 我的驕傲http://www.cd.org.tw/puty/share/flying_girl.swf 國語版的 揮著翅膀的女孩 容祖兒唱 再忙碌ㄌ一天之後,能夠靜靜ㄉ聽聽音樂也是一種享受喔。基於好東西跟好朋友分享ㄉ理由,今天上班後,把它當成店裡ㄉ音樂重複撥放,才一ㄍ小時,竟然就有人進來詢問這首歌ㄌ。上網查ㄌ一下,才知道這首歌在網路上還真紅,歌詞意境也瞞耐人尋味ㄉ,想說把連結跟歌詞貼上來,讓更多人分享。順便謝謝~carol~是他寄給我ㄉ,謝謝carol喔。 英文版歌詞Proud OF You("我的驕傲"原曲)Love in your eyes Sitting silent by my side Going on holding hands Walking through the nights Hold me up hold me tight Lift me up to touch the sky Teaching me to love with heart Helping me open my mind I can flyI'm proud that I can fly To give the best of mine Till the end of the time Believe me I can fly I'm proud that I can fly To give the best of mine The heaven in the sky Stars in the sky Wishing once upon a time Give me love make me smile Till the end of life Hold me up hold me tight Lift me up to touch the sky Teaching me to love with heart Helping me open my mind I can fly I'm proud that I can fly To give the best of mine Till the end of the time Believe me I can fly I'm proud that I can fly To give the best of mine The heaven in the sky Can't you believe that you light up my way No matter how that ease my path I'll never lose my faith See me fly I'm proud to fly up high Show you the best of mine Till the end of the time Believe me I can fly I'm singing in the sky Show you the best of mineThe heaven in the sky Nothing can stop meSpread my wings so wide--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------國語版的 揮著翅膀的女孩 歌詞~容祖兒唱當我還是 一個懵懂的女孩遇到愛 不懂愛 從過去 到現在直到他 也離開 留我在雲海徘徊明白沒人能取代 他曾給我的信賴See me fly I'm proud to fly up high不能一直依賴 別人給我擁戴Believe me I can fly I'm singing in the sky就算風雨覆蓋 我也不怕重來我已不是 那個懵懂的女孩遇到愛 用力愛 仍信真愛風雨來 不避開 謙虛把頭低下來像沙鷗來去天地 只為尋一個奇蹟See me fly *I'm proud to fly up high生命已經打開 我要哪種精彩Believe me I can fly I'm singing in the sky你曾經對我說 做勇敢的女孩我盼有一天 能和你相見驕傲地對著天空說 是借著你的風Let me fly我不會孤單 因為你都在